Add a Cron Job
Add a cron job.
Example API call
curl \--include \--request POST \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--header 'X-API-Key: <API_KEY>' \--data '{"url": "", "cron_expression": "* * * * * *"}' \""
Example Success Response
Together with the HTTP code 201
, the following content will be responded:
Example Failure Response
Together with the HTTP code of the error, the following error message will be responded:
JSON Parameters in Request Body
name | type | required | default | description | limits |
url | string | required | URL to call. | Maximum 1024 chars | |
cron_expression | string | required | Cron expression following these syntax. | Maximum 1000 chars | |
http_auth_user | string | optional | HTTP basic authentication user. | Maximum 100 chars | |
http_auth_pw | string | optional | HTTP basic authentication password. | Maximum 100 chars | |
timezone_from | int | optional | 1 | Specify the source of timezone used to calculate the executing times of the cron job. Allowed values:
| |
timezone | int | optional | UTC | Timezone used to calculate executing times when timezone_from = 2 .Allowed values: TZ Timezones. | |
http_method | string | optional | GET | HTTP method used in the HTTP requests to your cron job script. Allowed values: GET , POST , HEAD , PUT , PATCH , DELETE , CONNECT , OPTIONS and TRACE . | |
http_headers | string | optional | HTTP headers sent with the HTTP requests to your cron job script. | Maximum 10240 chars | |
http_message_body | string | optional | HTTP message body sent with the HTTP requests to your cron job script if the HTTP method is POST, PUT or PATCH. It contains variable-value pairs or JSON payload. E.g. param1=val1¶m2=val2 or {"name":"John","age":30} . | Maximum 10240 chars | |
timeout | int | optional | 0 | The max allowed execution time (in seconds) of your cron job. Execeeding this time, your cron job will time out and be marked as “failed”. Allowed values:
| |
success_criterion | int | optional | 1 | Rules for considering if the execution of a cron job succeeded or failed. Allowed values:
| |
success_regexp | string | optional | The regular expression to match when success_criterion is set to 2 . | Maximum 255 chars | |
failure_regexp | string | optional | The regular expression to match when success_criterion is set to 3 . | Maximum 255 chars | |
send_email | int | optional | 0 | Email notification setting of the cron job. Allowed values:
| |
email_threshold | int | optional | 1 | Only after encountering this amount of failures, the failure notification email will get sent. Allowed values: 1 to 5 . | |
send_slack | int | optional | 0 | Slack notification setting of the cron job. Allowed values:
| |
slack_sensitivity | int | optional | 1 | Only after encountering this amount of failures, the failure Slack notification will get sent. Allowed values: 1 to 5 . | |
slack_url | string | optional, required if send_slack is 1 or 2 | URL that the Slack notification is sent to. | Maximum 1024 chars | |
send_webhook | int | optional | 0 | Webhook notification setting of the cron job. Allowed values:
| |
webhook_url | string | optional, required if send_webhook is 1 or 2 | URL that the webhook request is sent to. | Maximum 1024 chars | |
webhook_http_method | string | optional | GET | HTTP method that your cron job webhook requests will use. Allowed values: GET , POST , HEAD , PUT , PATCH , DELETE , CONNECT , OPTIONS and TRACE . | |
webhook_data | string array | optional | Information that your cron job webhook requests will send. Valid values include CRON_JOB_ID , CRON_JOB_NAME , CRON_JOB_URL , CRON_JOB_HTTP_STATUS_CODE , CRON_JOB_EXECUTION_STATUS and CRON_JOB_EXECUTION_ERROR . E.g. ["CRON_JOB_ID","CRON_JOB_NAME"] | ||
status | int | optional | 1 | Status of the cron job. Allowed values:
| |
cron_job_name | string | optional | Name of the cron job. | Maximum 100 chars | |
description | string | optional | Description of the cron job. | Maximum 1024 chars | |
cron_job_group_id | int | optional | 0 | Group ID of the cron job. You could find the group ID in the group pages. If this parameter is set to 0 , the cron job doesn’t belong to any group. |